Anger is an emotional state of distress and discomfort that an individual may experience when they feel dissatisfied or frustrated with how their life is panning out.
Anger is a human emotion which, in certain situations, can lead to maladjusted and dysfunctional conduct with unsavoury consequences. Anger is a product of frustration and/or abuse which usually translates to an underlying desire for conflict, challenging whoever the angered individual feels is the source of discomfort. This enraged state of mind impedes an individual's potential.
People prone to anger and hostility will tend to have irrational thoughts on the world, as well as on themselves. Anger can surface at the hand of frustrations that are masking other, deeper emotions that are harder to manage for the angered individual, much like feelings of abandonment, loneliness and sadness.
Working on anger helps achieve a peaceful and well-disposed frame of mind.