Anxiety is a state of nervousness, restlessness and perpetual worrying with the aforementioned as a few of the known symptoms. Anxiety disorders are the most frequent psychological pathologies (7% of the world's population suffers from anxiety) at present.
Anxiety is a natural reaction to situations that cause stress. These circumstances can be any given scenarios that provoke an emotional response, either positive or negative. Some people suffer from anxiety because they find talking in public or confronting workplace superiors, family, friends, partners or parents to be a stressful situation.
In these anxiety and stress-inducing situations, our body gets tense, we feel nervous, our heart races, our breathing accelerates, and our stomach plays up. When these moments of anxiety, tension, nervousness and suffocation are prolonged, overburdening our system (sustained stimulation of our body can exhaust it and also generate greater difficulty concerning logical problem-solving), we find ourselves in the face of an anxiety disorder.
Therapy intends to comprehend the agents responsible for anxiety, find new ways of approaching the different challenges that surround us in such a way that they don't produce anxiety, as well as complementing the process at hand with techniques that help the patient learn to relax.