
My approach is focused on achieving solutions in a relatively short time frame through specific actions that assemble the patient's resources and accomplishing a positive impact in the short term.

–It's important to know WHAT is happening to you and WHY but, above all, we're focusing on WHAT TO DO so that is ceases to weigh you down NOW.

–Amid the mutual commitment to making the most of your time and money during the psychotherapeutic process, each patient, in conjunction with the act of communication, has an active role in the solution and outcome.

–Beyond feeling well, on the not-so-distant horizon of therapy, there is a constant focal point directed at the development of personal autonomy. An underlying endeavour on the way to reaching security, freedom and coherence by means of one's own judgement and the ability to settle an issue without guilt, knowing how to assimilate the environment with what is WANTED, what is NEEDED, and what is REQUIRED of oneself, all the while safeguarding an equilibrium within.


Please don’t hesitate to send an email if you have any doubts